Day Job Family London TIME magazine

And the winner is …

The British summer of 2002 isn’t doing much to help; one minute it’s hot and sticky, the next it’s hot and wet, or is it cold and grey?

A small monument to the victims of the Septemb...Firstly, the answers to yesterday’s quiz. They were a) Three nuns and canoe, b) Only when the day has a “Y” in it, and c) Jeffery Archer, although “A useless piece of scum” would also have been acceptable.

These are “fluid” times in the land of Max Brockbank and his freaky family. It’s still the summer holidays as far as the kiddies are concerned, but the flexibility of my work means that it’s actually hard to get into the vibe.

The British Summer of 2002 isn’t doing much to help; one minute it’s hot and sticky, the next it’s hot and wet, or is it cold and grey?

Add that to restless kids and tight finances for the time of year and you have a recipe for stress and tension.

Worklife is also tense. There’s a feeling of demob fever in the air as the current editors of TIME Europe prepare for the big handover, and with the 9/11 anniversary approaching no-one is very settled.

Add to that the troubles of our parent company on the US stock markets and the numbers of people taking the chance of a holiday and you have an uncomfortable atmosphere.

Personally speaking, uncertainty is definitely the worst.